The Most Underrated Lawn Care Product - Lawn Solutions Australia

The Most Underrated Lawn Care Product

When it comes to achieving a lush, well-maintained lawn, Plant Growth Regulators, also known as PGRs like Primo Maxx might just be the best-kept secret. Plant growth regulators work behind the scenes to help your lawn grow thicker instead of taller. This ultimately helps cut mowing requirements in half while improving the overall appearance of your lawn.

Who Should Use a PGR?

PGR’s like Primo Maxx are a great product for anyone who wants to reduce the amount of mowing needed throughout the warmer months or anyone who is looking to take their lawn to the next level. With just one application, you will effectively hold back the vertical growth of your lawn for your lawn for around 3-4 weeks in periods when you may normally need to be mowing your lawn a few times a week to keep up with growth.

This makes it an ideal product to use if you are about to go on holiday and won’t be able to mow for a few weeks, are a FIFO worker or are just not a fan of mowing!

mowing lawn

What are the benefits of using Primo Maxx?

Primo Maxx has many benefits including:

  • Reduce grass growth: reduce mowing.
  • Less bare patches: improved aesthetic.
  • Greener grass.
  • The best-looking edges with less work.
  • Reduction in grass seed heads.
  • Reduces your lawns water requirements.

With so many benefits and a reduction in maintenance when growth is at its peak, it is a fantastic product to use.

plant growth regulator

How Does Primo Maxx Work?

Primo Maxx will encourage the grass to grow thicker rather than taller. Lateral stems of the grass become fuller, and the lawn will improve in colour. It works by slowing down the gibberellic acid, a plant hormone that promotes cell elongation. Vertical growth is slowed while the lateral and below ground rhizomes, stolons and roots are stimulated.

primo maxx
Primo Maxx

When Should I Use a PGR?

As PGR’s like Primo Maxx slow the growth of your lawn down, it is best to only use them throughout the warmer months when growth is fastest. It is also recommended that you use them only when your lawn is healthy and not under stress. If your lawn is under stress on application, it will slow down the repair, which is not ideal.

How Do I Apply Primo Maxx?

When applying PGR, it is best to first calibrate your sprayer. Calibrating your sprayer will help you work out how much of the product your sprayer will disperse per m2. This is especially important when using highly concentrated products like Primo Maxx.

To calibrate your sprayer, measure out 10m2 on a hard concrete surface like a driveway. Then, place some markers so that you know where your designated 10m2 is. Then, fill up your sprayer with water. Before spraying your area, get a timer out. Then time how long it takes you to spray your area size. When finished, press stop and note of how long it took you to spray the area.

Next, you will need to use a measuring jug. Spray water into the measuring jug for however long it took you to spray the 10m2. (e.g. If it took you 40 seconds to spray your area, measure how much water your sprayer uses in 40 seconds.) Now we will know how much water is required to spray 10m2. We can then times this volume by 10 to find out how much water is required to spray 100m2.

spraying lawn

What are the Application Rates for Primo Maxx?

Following the calibration of your sprayer, use the correct amount of Primo Maxx needed for your area. For Buffalo, Common Couch and Hybrid Couch add 10 to 40mL of Primo Maxx per 100m2. For Kikuyu add 20 to 80mL of Primo Maxx per 100m2.

*When applying Primo Maxx for the first time, we do recommend sticking to the lower application rate for your grass type.

For more lawn care tips and advice, make sure you check out our other lawn care blogs here.

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