TifTuf Gets the ‘Smart Drop’ Tick of Approval - Lawn Solutions Australia

TifTuf Gets the ‘Smart Drop’ Tick of Approval

Smart Approved WaterMark Rebrand

smart drop certified

The Smart Approved WaterMark launched in 2004 to certify and promote water-efficient products, has recently been rebranded to Smart Drop Certified. This updated branding aims to enhance consumer awareness and promote a wider range of innovative water-saving products and services.

Smart Drop will position the water efficiency certification program as contemporary, innovative, and forward-thinking while respecting traditional values of conservation. It aims to be the leading and universally recognised symbol of water efficiency, empowering consumers and businesses to make sustainable choices through certified products and services.

As part of this transition, TifTuf Hybrid Bermuda, a turfgrass known for its exceptional drought tolerance, has now been Smart Drop Certified. Originally developed in the United States, TifTuf was the first grass in Australia to receive the previous Smart Approved WaterMark due to its proven water-saving benefits. With over 25 years of independent trials demonstrating its superior drought resistance, TifTuf continues to stand out as a leading choice for water-conscious consumers.

The Smart Drop Certified program’s success in Australia has long been the envy of TifTuf growers in the United States (US). Having this truly independent certification program assures reduced water use for consumers and is a way of promoting this significant product benefit in the marketplace. The US has a WaterSense program headed up by the US. Environmental Protection Agency to evaluate select water efficiency products, but the program is government led and excludes plant materials.

Until recently, this meant that TifTuf was unable to be acknowledged in the US in the same capacity as it is in Australia. But thanks to a new partnership between the Chicago-based Alliance for Water Efficiency and The Water Conservancy in Australia, the Smart Drop program has now expanded and can include the US. This exciting development means that TifTuf Hybrid Bermuda has become one of the first products to receive Smart Drop Certification in the US, further solidifying its reputation as a water-efficient turf option in both Australia and North America.

Smart Drop Certification is an incredibly useful tool for consumers to help them identify the most water-efficient products available. Keep an eye out for the Smart Drop Certified logo as it rolls out across Australia and the US.

For more information, please get in touch with Lawn Solutions Australia.

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