Suppliers - Lawn Solutions Australia

Down South Turf

Supplier type: Grower Region: South West WA

Down South Turf, located in Busselton, is the only Lawn Solutions Australia member South of Perth. We grow LSA Brand grasses Sir Walter and Eureka Kikuyu and have 24 years experience growing and supplying the South West with the best turf varieties and products to keep your lawn in tip top condition. From Australind to Augusta our trucks with forklift unloading deliver freshly cut turf to our customers.

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Why Lawn Solutions Australia?

Quality guaranteed

AusGAP certification not only monitors turf quality and purity but also other business operations including transport, installation, environmental policies, work health & safety and customer service.

Being AusGAP certified ensures the customer that the producer they are purchasing their turf from provides the highest quality product and service in the industry.

Each Lawn Solutions producer has been through the extensive process of attaining AusGAP certification. For more information on AusGAP please visit

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