Lawn Fanatic Lingo - Lawn Solutions Australia

Lawn Fanatic Lingo

Have you been hearing your mates who are lawn fanatics talk about their lawns but have no idea what lingo they are using or need a quick refresher?

What NPK is your fertiliser?

NPK are the primary nutrients that are commonly found in fertilisers. N Nitrogen, P Phosphorus and K Potassium.

Nitrogen is mainly responsible for the growth of leaves and is the most talked about nutrient when it comes to lawns. Nitrogen is usually the highest percentage of your NPK ratio.

Phosphorus is largely responsible for root growth and is low in the overall NPK ratio.

Potassium is a nutrient that helps the overall functions of the plant perform correctly. Potassium is an essential macro-nutrient used in large quantities by plants for vigour and growth.

Just about to put a PGR down on my lawn

Plant Growth Regulators, commonly known as PGR’s, can be used to help slow down the growth of your lawn, particularly throughout the warmer months when the lawn is actively growing. Some other benefits of using PGR’s include promoting healthier & denser turf, reduction of seed heads, and increased durability, just to name a few. When looking at using a PGR, we recommend Primo Maxx.

primo maxx

How’s my domination line looking?

A domination line is referred to as the ending of your property boundary line and the start of your neighbour’s property. This line is often spoken about when one lawn clearly looks better than the other, with a defined line of difference between properties.

lawn domination line meme

What HOC do you mow your SWB? 

The answer to this one comes in two parts, let’s break it down. HOC refers to your height of cut. This is the height which your lawn is been mown. SWB is also known as the Aussie favourite Sir Walter Buffalo.

mowing height

Just put in my new SGZ and its looking great!

SGZ is one of the newer zoysia grasses on the market, Sir Grange Zoysia. Sir Grange is known for its stunning fine-bladed leaf, beautiful dark green colour, and slow-growing nature. You can find more information on this beautiful grass here.

sir grange zoysia

We just finished a reno on the lawn, can’t wait to see how it looks in a few weeks!

Now you might be thinking, what on earth is a lawn reno? Well, there is such a thing! A lawn renovation is the process of removing weeds, removing thatch, aeration, fertilising, and top dressing typically conducted in spring. Check out our blog and video series for more information on what a lawn renovation is and the steps required here.

lawn renovation

Just finished giving the lawn a feed!

Giving the lawn a feed is in reference to fertilising your lawn.


I can see why TifTuf is the alpha grass

Well, the answer to this question will depend on who you ask! We believe that TifTuf Hybrid Bermuda is in fact the ‘Alpha Grass’. Why? TifTuf has proven itself as the best performer in independent trials in Australia and the US. You can check out both the Australian and US trial results here.

what is the best couch grass

The lawn just got some much needed sky beers

Rainfall is often referred as sky beers for some lawn fanatics. More often than not, your lawns watering requirements will be met by rainfall alone!

Just finished giving the lawn a mow with the SB45

A Scott Bonnar 45, also called SB45, is one of the more popular cylinder mowers for people to use. These mowers were first in production in 1968 through to 1980. Now more commonly, these mowers have become a restoration project for lawnies.

Just gave the mower a quick back lap

Back lapping is the process of maintaining the sharpness of a cylinder mowers cutting blades. This helps to ensure the reel and bed knife are bedded together and cut evenly, providing a sharp and even cut. Check out our page on back lapping for more information here.

backlap cylinder mower

The lawns going to thrive after I give it a core!

Coring is a type of aeration for your lawn. Unlike regular aeration, where solid tines punch holes in the ground, core aeration simultaneously removes a plug of soil from your lawn. Plug or core aerators use hollow tines that puncture the surface and then pull the plugs from the ground on their way back out. The process of coring helps create more space in the soil for your lawn to breathe, absorb nutrient and increases soil permeability.

should i core my lawn

We just gave the lawn a scalp

Scalping is when most of the leaf is removed with a mower. This can either be done on purpose, when dethatching your lawn in a renovation or by accident when the lawns levels are uneven or when the lawn has grown too long in between mowing.


The lawns going to come up a treat after scarifying it!

Scarifying a lawn is done to help remove the thatch layer of dead plant and organic matter that has developed within the profile of your lawn. After scarifying your lawn, it won’t look great for the first few weeks, however the lawn will be able to come back stronger.

For more lawn care tips and advice, check out our other lawn care blogs here.

Buy lawn care products

Liquid Lawn Lover Bundle - with Handy Gardening Gloves

Do you prefer to use liquid lawn care products? Well, this bundle has every liquid you need to help maintain the health of both your lawn and the soil that it relies on.

ProPlus Natural Carbon Mini-Prill Lawn Fertiliser 9kg

ProPlus Natural Carbon Mini-Prill Fertiliser 9kg is a professional extended-release mini-prill fertiliser. This newly developed natural carbon based fertiliser minimises leaching by binding nutrients to naturally occurring carbon and is suitable for all lawn types.