Giving Your Lawn a Boost | Spring Fertilising - Lawn Solutions Australia

Giving Your Lawn a Boost | Spring Fertilising

Spring is an important time to fertilise, as your lawn breaks the winter dormancy.

The weather is warming up and your grass is starting to grow again. You have managed your lawn through a cold winter and it is almost time to undertake your spring lawn care routine. Spring is an important time to fertilise, as your lawn breaks the winter dormancy. Your fertiliser application will assist the lawn to jump into growth as the weather warms up.

You need to make sure you don’t get too excited and spread it out too early. Timing is key when applying fertiliser in spring. Apply fertiliser too early and you won’t get the full benefit and nutrient uptake from an actively growing lawn. This change in growth normally occurs in warm-season grasses at soil temperatures around 14 degrees Celsius.

The best time to apply a fertiliser is when the lawn starts to actively grow, once the lawn has needed a few regular mows.

fertilise lawn

When applying fertiliser, it is important to choose a good quality granular fertiliser that will provide upfront nutrient as well as a slow release to your lawn throughout spring. A good balanced feed of all the elements your lawn needs. These elements include Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium and will help the plant to prepare for the stresses of a hot summer. We recommend using our Lawn Solutions Premium Fertiliser. This fertiliser has a combination of both fast and slow-release granules. It is suitable for all lawn varieties. This will aid your lawn with a sustained boost to help improve the overall health of the lawn.

lawn fertiliser

Lawn Solutions Premium Fertiliser is available on the Lawn Store here.

Lawn Solutions Australia’s ProPlus Natural Carbon Fertiliser is a professional extended-release fertiliser in a mini-prill. This newly developed natural carbon based fertiliser minimises leaching by binding nutrients to naturally occurring carbon and is suitable for all lawn types. If you cut your lawn short with a cylinder mower, if you manage your nutrient inputs closely or maintain a specialised program, this is a great fertiliser for you.

proplus carbon fertiliser

Granular fertilisers are extremely popular and easy to apply. Plant roots take up nutrients in a liquid form. So, granular fertilisers are slower to deliver nutrients because they must first break down and dissolve in water in the soil. The great benefit of this is that you can deliver a small but constant feed to your lawn over 8-12 weeks. This gives improved growth which is sustained over time as opposed to instant but short-lived results.

This isn’t to say there isn’t a time and place for liquid fertilisers of course. If your lawn needs some extra attention and you are looking for a quick boost, then a good quality liquid foliar fertiliser like Exceed Liquid Fertiliser is ideal. These sort of liquids can be applied more frequently if required. They can also be used as part of a more wholistic lawn care program. Other liquid nutrient products that can also come in handy for both leaf and soil health include products like Lawn Kelper. Lawn Kelper is a soil conditioner type liquid with a balanced composition of nutrients.

exceed liquid fertiliser hose on exceed liquid fertiliser

Check out the Lawn Solutions Australia lawn care page for more helpful tips and advice here.

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