Purge the Spurge | How to Remove Spotted Spurge from Your Lawn - Lawn Solutions Australia

Purge the Spurge | How to Remove Spotted Spurge from Your Lawn

Chamaesyce maculata

Key Features:

  • Dark green coloured leaves, with red spots
  • Opposite arranged leaves
  • Taproot

Do you need to purge your lawn of Spurge? Spurge is a low-growing weed commonly found in thin, sparse lawn areas or pathways between paving and pebbled areas. In this blog, we look at what Spotted Spurge is and the best way to remove it from your lawn.

Spotted Spurge Characteristics

Spotted Spurge is a weed that has small dark green leaves with red spots that are arranged opposite each other on the stem. This weed has a milky sap, which can be toxic to animals. However, the sap will only show when the plant is disturbed. The low-growing plant will grow in a dense mat that can spread up to three feet in diameter at maturity. This weed also has a central taproot that can grow more than 2 feet into the soil base. 


When Does Spotted Spurge Grow?

Spotted Spurge’s seeds will generally grow when temperatures are between 24 to 29 degrees. It will prefer areas with full sun but will also grow in lightly shaded areas. This weed is commonly found in areas with compacted soil, including gravel, roadsides, walkways and sparse lawns and gardens.

How Does Spotted Spurge Spread?

Spotted Spurge in Spring and Summer will produce small pink flowers that hold its seeds. These flowers will continually produce large quantities of viable seeds, so getting on top of this weed before it has a chance to seed is important.

When these seeds are wet, they will become sticky and will spread easier.

How Do I Remove Spotted Spurge?

As Spotted Spurge can spread rapidly, if you do notice it growing in your lawn or garden, it is best to act quickly.

If there is only a small amount of Spotted Spurge growing there, the best and easiest way to remove it will be to pull it out by hand. You will need to find the centre of the plant, as this is where the taproot will be. Then, gather the weed stem with one hand, and in the other, use a narrow trowel or a long knife to help loosen the soil around the taproot. After this, you should be able to pull the weed out gently.

If there is a bit too much to remove by hand, or you are looking for a herbicide option, we recommend using a broadleaf herbicide like Estate Herbicide, safe for use on common grass types including couch, zoysia, kikuyu and buffalo. Estate Herbicide comes in a 250ml concentrate, which needs to be mixed up in a knapsack or pressure sprayer for application.

estate herbicide
Estate Broadleaf Herbicide

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Usually, when Spotted Spurge is growing in turf, it is a sign that the lawn is sparse and bare. Once you remove the Spurge, we recommend keeping up with your regular lawn maintenance to encourage strong growth and repair. This includes aeration (if the soil is compacted), regular mowing and watering, and a fertiliser application if you haven’t done so in recent months. If you are after a fertiliser to give your lawn a good boost in nutrients, we recommend using our Lawn Solutions Premium Fertiliser.

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Lawn Solutions Premium Fertiliser

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