Our Top 5 Lawn Care Icks - Lawn Solutions Australia

Our Top 5 Lawn Care Icks

From time to time, we happen to see some pretty cringeworthy lawn care habits! From overgrown lawns to burning from over-applying products, we are dishing out the dirt on what not to do to your lawn so that you can keep your lawn game strong.

Ick Number One | Not Reading Product Labels

We totally understand that when you get a lawn care product, you can’t wait to apply it to the lawn and see it do its thing, but it is always important to ensure you read the product label first. If too little of a product is applied, it won’t work to its full potential. If too much product is applied, issues, including burning can occur.

When applying lawn care products:

  • Ensure the product is safe for your lawn type.
  • Apply at the correct label rates.
  • If your product has a critical comments section on its label, ensure you read and follow instructions. This section will usually outline if the product needs to be applied to a dry lawn, needs watering in, needs mowing to be delayed after application etc.

Reading Fertiliser Label

Ick Number Two | Over Watering Lawns

Water is essential for your lawn’s health. If correct watering techniques are used, your lawn will become more resilient, hardy and drought tolerant. Too much water can lead to the grass sitting damp for extended periods of time leading to disease and depriving the root system of nutrients and oxygen.

Generally, if you need to water your lawn, do so in the morning, before the heat of the day. Water for longer, less frequently. Watering this way will prevent fungal diseases from the lawn sitting damp for too long at one time.  It is best to avoid shorter frequent waterings as the roots will stay shallow in the soil, reducing its drought tolerance. For more information on correct watering techniques, please check out our blog for more information here.

water lawn

Ick Number 3 | Mowing with Blunt Mower Blades

Mowing with blunt blades can make it harder to get a cleaner cut. Using blunt blades can lead to bruising of the leaf and ripping and tearing rather than a clean cut. When your lawn has had a cleaner cut with sharp blades, it will allow for more efficient nutrient uptake and water absorption, leading to a healthier lawn.

You should be able to tell if your mower’s blades need to be sharpened or replaced by inspecting them. If there are any cracks, bends, extremely thin blades, or even holes in the blade, you will need to replace it. If there is plenty of blade left and it is still in good shape, it may need to be sharpened.

You can find more information on inspecting, sharpening and replacing your mower blades here.

mower blades

Ick Number 4 | Scalping Your Lawn

When grass grows too long between mows or is mown too short, it can cut into the stem, removing all the green leaves on top, leaving brown patches behind. This is known as scalping.

Mow regularly to help avoid scalping your lawn. It is best to mow regularly enough to remove only one-third of the leaf or less.

If your lawn isscalped during the cooler months, the best way to amend this is to raise your mowing height by a notch to allow the new green leaf to grow back in. Once the temperatures have warmed back up, you can then consider doing a height reset. If scalping has occurred due to uneven soil levels, you can consider top-dressing the area. You can find more information on this process here.

patches when mowing

Ick Number 5 | Letting Your Lawn Become Overgrown

Letting your lawn become overgrown will not only decrease your curb appeal but also damage your turf in the long run. Overgrown grass can make your grass more susceptible to disease and interrupt your lawn’s growth pattern. Furthermore, it creates environments for unwanted animals, especially snakes and mice, which are not ideal around your home.

If your lawn has only been left unmown for a few weeks, you should be able to raise your lawn mower to its highest setting and bring down the height from there if required. If the lawn has grown above knee height, we recommend firstly using a whipper snipper to help aid bringing the grass down to a height that can be used with a mower. Then mow over the area. You can find more information to help tackle an overgrown lawn here.

overgrown lawn

If you are struggling to keep up with mowing regularly throughout the warmer months, we recommend using a plant growth regulator like Primo Maxx. Primo Maxx will help slow the growth of your grass, reducing mowing by half!

primo maxx

For more lawn care tips and advice, make sure you check out our other lawn care blogs here.

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Husqvarna Manual Sprayer 8L, versatile sprayer perfectly sized for smaller jobs or spot treatment applications.

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