Nutgrass and Mullumbimby Couch | Lawn Solutions Sedge Control - Lawn Solutions Australia

Nutgrass and Mullumbimby Couch | Lawn Solutions Sedge Control

Some weeds can be incredibly difficult to eradicate. One of these weeds that is particularly prevalent during the warmer months is the noxious Nutgrass. In this blog, we look at how to treat Nutgrass and other sedge weeds like Mullumbimby couch.


Nutgrass is a Sedge weed that can remain inactive in soil for long periods of time. It can be as simple as a disruption of soil or the addition of nutrients or water to an area that causes a dormant nut within the soil to begin to grow. Before too long, your lawn can be heavily infested.

If you find Nutgrass in your lawn, it is best you act quickly before it spreads and becomes almost impossible to remove.

Nutgrass and Mullumbimby Couch Removal

Nutgrass has nuts or bulbils that grow from its roots. It is important you don’t pull it out by hand as these bulbs can spread. Digging out the entire plant, including the bulb is best.

When removing by hand you must dig down nice and deep to make sure you get all of it and the nuts don’t detach from the plant on removal, allowing it to continue to spread.

The best way to treat Nutgrass, particularly if you have a large amount of Nutgrass in your lawn, is to treat it with a selective herbicide like Lawn Solutions Sedge Control. Sedge Control is a dry flowable granule that disperses in water. It can be used for selective post-emergent control of both Nutgrass and Mullumbimby Couch.

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How Lawn Solutions Sedge Control Works

After applying Sedge Control the foliage of the weed and the seed head gradually turns yellow until total desiccation or death occurs.

Initial symptoms should appear in 7 to 10 days, with full weed control effects appearing over 4 to 6 weeks.

Application Timing

For treatment of Nutgrass: Apply when new leaf growth is greater than 5cm. This is usually in Spring and Summer.

For treatment of Mullumbimby Couch: Apply when new leaf growth is greater than 2cm, again this is usually in Spring and Summer.

  • Apply when weeds are actively growing.
  • Apply follow-up treatments as required if sufficient new growth warrants weed control.
  • Growth is greatest of both weeds following rainfall events.
  • Drought stress after treatment may reduce control.

Application Rate

A bottle of Sedge Control will treat up to 1,900sqm. When applying Sedge Control use 1.3g mixed in water per 100 square metres, which is one spoon full of the plastic spoon supplied.

It is also recommended that Sedge Control be applied with a non-ionic surfactant at 20mL to 10L of water to help the herbicide stick to the leaf of the weed more effectively.

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