Types of grass
Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo Grass
Sir Grange Zoysia
TifTuf Hybrid Bermuda
Zoysia Australis
Stampede Hybrid Buffalo Grass
Eureka Kikuyu Grass
Nullarbor Couch Grass
Platinum Zoysia Grass
RTF Fescue Grass
Tropical Carpet Grass
Eureka Kikuyu Premium VG Grass
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Buffalo and Zoysia
Couch and Buffalo
How to Create a Home Putting Green
We’re buzzed about bees! | Here’s how to keep a bee friendly lawn
Now we’re cooking with fire! | How to protect your lawn from the heat
Getting to know Charlie Albone
The secret to achieving that perfect bowling green grass
The Wide World of Turf
Gardening projects for this Easter long weekend
Charlie Albone shares his favourite gardening products
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Common lawn problems
Fertilising grass
Lawn colourant
Lawn grubs and pests
Lawn mowing
Lawn weeds
Lawns and pets
Other lawn maintenance
Seasonal lawn care
Turf Talk Magazine
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