Turf Talk - December 2018 - Lawn Solutions Australia

Turf Talk – December 2018

Australia’s newest and most comprehensive turf magazine.

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Turf Talk is a free quarterly magazine and distributed to over 3000 landscape and turf professionals.


For more information:

Phone – 1300 883 711

Email – info@lawnsolutionsaustralia.com.au

Buy lawn care products

Lawn Solutions Iron Guard Plus

Turfgrass Enhancing Bio-Stimulant

Grub Treat and Protect Bundle - with Handy Gardening Gloves

Protect your lawn from lawn pests with this one-two punch to treat an existing infestation and protect your lawn for up to 6 months.

Agador Insecticide

Effective control of highly destructive nematodes and Couch grass mite in turf.