Zoysia Grass | Lawn Solutions Australia Premium Turf Supplies

Platinum Zoysia Grass in Warmer Regions – Why You Should Consider It

Zoysia grasses, such as Platinum Zoysia, can offer you a finer-textured alternative when selecting a turf grass for your tropical, sub tropical and warm temperature conditions.

A heat tolerant grass

Platinum Zoysia, although producing a much finer leaf to most varieties suited to warmer climates, thrives in extreme heat and humidity. This is due to the ability Platinum Zoysia grass has to roll their leaves when under heat stress, which enables the plant to conserve water.

Slow growth means less mowing

In addition to this, Platinum Zoysia grass has a very slow growth habit, which will greatly reduce the amount of time you will be pushing your mower around in the heat!

Shade tolerant and weed resistant

Furthermore, Zoysia Japonica grasses such as Platinum Zoysia have an appealing dark green colour, good shade tolerance and the ability to outcompete weeds once established. Platinum Zoysia grass provide a fine textured alternative for lawns in warmer climates, and are definitely worth considering as an option for your next turf project!

Buy lawn care products

TifTuf Hybrid Bermuda

Drought tolerant hybrid Bermuda Grass, forged by the best turf grass scientists (currently not available in WA)

Lawn Solutions Oxafert 3kg - Pre Emergent Herbicide

Launch a preventative strike on annual grasses and broad-leaf weeds with Lawn Solutions OxaFert Herbicide & Fertiliser.

ICL Professional Hand-Held Spreader

ICL Professional Hand-Held Spreader. Perfect for applying Lawn Solutions Premium Fertiliser, grass seed and pest control products.