STRI recently conducted a trial evaluating the “Performance of bermuda (couch) grass cultivars under different shade, irrigation and wear treatments”.
The Sports Turf Research Institute (STRI) conducts world leading testing and research for developing innovative techniques and products to improve turfgrass and sports surfaces.
TifTuf Hybrid Bermuda was a clear stand out performer in this trial outperforming all other available couch grasses. TifTuf is the best couch grass available in Australia.
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Turf quality of different cultivars averaged over the effects of shade, irrigation, and wear
Ground cover of different cultivars averaged over the effects of shade, irrigation, and wear.
Drought stress of different cultivars averaged over the effects of shade, irrigation, and wear.
Turf colour of different cultivars under 60% shade averaged over the effects of irrigation and wear.
Drought stress of different cultivars under full sun condition averaged over the effects of irrigation and wear.
Drought stress of different cultivars under deficit irrigation averaged over the effects of shade and wear.
Drought stress of different cultivars without wear averaged over the effects of shade and irrigation.
Drought stress of different cultivars with wear averaged over the effects of shade and irrigation.
TifTuf had superior turf cover (thickness and growth) over the duration of the trial compared to all other grasses trialled. TifTuf also scored the highest NDVI which is a measure of appearance using a specialised scanning device.
There are new couch grasses like Tahoma 31 that have entered the Australian market in recent years. But new grasses do not mean better. TifTuf also outperformed Tahoma 31 in the extensive trials conducted throughout the US National Turf Evaluation program. TifTuf is a better turf grass than Tahoma 31, in fact it outperformed all of the bermuda (couch) grasses included in these trials also.
Summary of cultivar performance averaged over trial period. Turf cover refers to the cultivars thickness of growth and percentage of grass coverage. NDVI (Normalised Difference Vegetation Index) summarises appearance of green cover within each plot.
If you are looking for the best couch grass for your new lawn, the best option available to you is TifTuf Hybrid Bermuda. Available exclusively through Lawn Solutions Australia Members.