Christmas Lawn Displays | Keeping Your Lawn Healthy - Lawn Solutions Australia

Christmas Lawn Displays | Keeping Your Lawn Healthy

We love the Christmas holidays out on our lawns, getting the yard looking great and putting up the Christmas decorations. In this blog, we look at a few helpful tips to help keep your lawn green and healthy, so it looks just as good as the Christmas decorations.

Fertilising Your Lawn

One of the quickest and easiest ways to give your lawn a boost is to give it a fertilise. A hit of nitrogen will promote leaf growth and greener colour. This will help ensure your lawn plays an integral part in the Christmas display.

If very careful you could try applying fertiliser in a Christmas shape or pattern and mow around the perimeter of the area over the coming weeks. Just make sure you water in the fertiliser really well to prevent leaf burn.

For a granular fertiliser, we recommend using our Lawn Solutions Premium Fertiliser for a sustained boost over a longer period.

lawn fertiliser

If you are after a faster acting fertiliser, a liquid fertiliser like Exceed is ideal. Exceed comes in a handy 2.5L concentrate, and an easy-to-use 2L hose on bottle.

exceed liquid fertiliser exceed liquid fertiliser hose on

Add Some Instant Colour with ColourGuard Plus

If you haven’t got much time to work with, a great way to give your lawn an instant green-up is by using a pigment like ColourGuard Plus. ColourGuard Plus is absorbed into the leaf of your grass giving it a nice green colour instantly.

colourguard plus RTU

You can go quite light with your application, or if you are looking for a really vibrant dark green to get into the Christmas spirit, you can apply the product at a higher concentration.

Colourguard Plus could also be used to colour in some Christmas stencils on the lawn, maybe some bells or holly, helping your lawn become even more a part of the Christmas display.

Mowing Stripes

If your lawn is in good shape, you might be able to add some style to your home front by getting some stripes going on your lawn. This is where the lawn looks like it has different lighter and darker stripes because of the way the light reflects off the leaf that has been pushed down in opposite directions.

A cylinder mower or reel mower is ideal, but you can also get a similar effect if you have access to a heavy roller. By mowing the lawn in opposite directions in the same lines on a regular basis, you can improve the definition of these stripes.For more tips on striping your lawn and pattern inspiration, check out our striping blog here.

Lawn Stripes 4

Christmas Lawn Ornaments

When it comes to the Christmas lawn ornaments and other decorations, just remember that they may need moving slightly every now and again. This is so the grass below it doesn’t die over the holiday period.

A good watering, once they are moved, will help the grass bounce back quicker. If there are any heavy objects on the lawn, it would also be recommended to give the area a good aerate with a garden fork once these ornaments have been removed. This will help alleviate any compaction that may have occurred.

christmas lawn

Bonus Tip: You can save the need for regular mowing around your Christmas ornaments by applying a PGR like Primo Maxx that slows vertical growth. This means that the growth of your lawn will slow down so that it won’t need to be mown as frequently. This can especially come in handy if you have Christmas ornaments or lights spread out across your lawn.

For more lawn care tips and advice, make sure you check out our other lawn care blogs here.

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ColourGuard PLUS is a liquid fertiliser as well as a natural grass pigment that instantly restores the colour of your lawn.

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