Buzz Off! How to Keep Flies and Mosquitoes Away - Lawn Solutions Australia

Buzz Off! How to Keep Flies and Mosquitoes Away

When enjoying your lawn on a summer’s afternoon, flies and mosquitos can be quite a nuisance! So, what is the best way to keep the bugs at bay? In this blog, we will look at various mosquito and insect repellents that will help make spending time outdoors more enjoyable.

The Thermacell E55 Rechargeable Mosquito Repellent

Thermacell has a great range of mosquito repellents, but the E55 Rechargeable Mosquito Repellent is the best overall choice. This model is easy to use, starting with the push of a single button, protecting a 28m2 zone. The Thermacell has a 12-hour repellent cartridge included, which is unscented and easy to replace. They are easy to charge and have a run time of 5 and a half hours.

Thermacell mosquito repellent

The Thermacell Insect Repeller Perimeter System – 2 Pack

If you want to cover a larger area, the Thermacell Perimeter System has a larger 42m2 protection zone from mosquitoes. This model still contains the same perks as the E55 but needs fuel cartridges and is not battery-charged. The model has a great variety of mounts and can be used out on your grassed area or patio.

Thermacell mosquito repellent

Bug Fans

If your primary concern is keeping flies and insects away from food, a bug fan might be the way to go. Flies, mosquitoes, and other insects don’t like flying into air currents, so if you can have a current of air near where you are entertaining or near your food, there should be fewer bugs present.

Bug fans will spin quietly and have a soft, flexible blade that stops if they come into contact with an object, making them safe around children. Bug fans will usually have a reflective pattern on the blades, which flies and bugs will steer clear of. They are odourless, portable, and chemical-free.

bug fan

Candles and Repellent Coils

If you don’t mind the scent of citronella, a candle or repellent coil might be the way to go. These are generally the cheaper, longer-lasting, standard way to go. However, they might not be ideal if you are not a fan of the scent or smoke they can produce.

There is a great range of citronella candles available; some of our favourites are the Santalum Estate Citronella Sandalwood Soy Candle, as it comes in a stylish glass container and has three wicks with a 35-hour burn time. Another favourite is the Waxworks Stone Tabletop Oil Burner. The sleek and stylish oil burner provides effective protection without using chemicals.

mosquito repellant candle mosquito repellent oil burner

The Bite Shield Diffuser with 10pk Coil & Stand is another natural way to help prevent mosquitoes from entering your entertaining space. Each coil will provide up to 6 hours of repellency and comes with a handy shield diffuser.

mosquito repellent coil


If you are after a fun, safe and non-toxic way to conquer bugs the Bug-A-Salt will be your weapon of choice! This uses ordinary table salt, without using any batteries to defend your turf! All you need to do is load it up with salt, then aim and take shot at any pesky flies or mosquitoes!

bug a salt

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