7 of Our Favourite Lawns - Lawn Solutions Australia

7 of Our Favourite Lawns

Over the years we have encountered many great Aussie lawns!  In this blog, we will be taking a look at a few of our favourite lawns and seeing what lawn care activities each of the owners have taken to keep their lawns looking great!

Carthic Thimmaiah – AKA Obsessive Lawnie

tiftuf backyardnice tiftuf lawn

Lawn type – TifTuf Hybrid Bermuda

Ever heard of that one crazy lawnie that’s mowing his lawn everyday? Well, I’m that guy on my street! What started as a DIY lockdown project when I decided to sort out my landscaping, has escalated to a full blown grass and lawn tools obsession.

Over a two year period, I’ve ended up with what seems like more mowers and lawn tools than the blades of grass on my yard! (Not to mention a social media content creation addiction!).

My care routine, across a full season involves, mowing as often as I can. I mow 3 to 4 times a week through Spring and Summer. Given I have Bermuda which tends to thatch up quite easily, I groom once every 4 to 6 weeks as well.

Having over done the product applications through my first year, I’m now trying to take a “less is more” approach with my TifTuf. I tend to fertilise once every 3 to 4 months but instead give my lawn a lot of organics to help both soil and plant health. In addition to this, I also use a quality pre-emergent so have almost no weeds to deal with, and a preventative Insecticide twice a year.

The lawn is my “happy place”. It’s where I go when I need to switch off and rejuvenate. I’m not overprotective of it and truly believe that it’s true value is in the time spent on it and not in trying to keep people off it.

Simon Adermann

nice sir grange grasssir grange maintenance

Lawn type – Sir Grange Zoysia

Sir Grange – is the easiest lawn to look after.

I keep it really simple and don’t kill the lawn with kindness. Sir Grange is slow to establish and doesn’t really show it’s fully potential for 12 -15 months. I apply a granular fertiliser once a year normally around October, after a renovation. Don’t be afraid the remove the thatch and shave the lawn down, leave for 2 weeks and when top dress with a sandy soil. The rest of the year I apply a liquid fertiliser and wetting agent mix about every 8 weeks.

In October and February I apply Acelepryn and the same time apply a preventative fungicide. I find the secret to having a great Sir Grange lawn is the mowing. I use a Scott Bonnar cylinder mower, I have the cylinder ground and new bed knife annually, but before each mow I file and put a sharp edge on the bed knife – this is the secret to clean cutting. I don’t have a strict watering pattern only when required.

I use a greens grade granular fertiliser small prill fertiliser – Anderson Nutri DG 18-1-15, Liquid switch between Exceed liquid fertiliser and Lawn Kelper Liquid and Lawn Rescue wetting agent.

Matthew Ferry

sir walter front lawn

sir walter lawn stripes

Lawn type – Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo

Basically, I am following the LawnPride Australia Buffalo program. I’m currently mowing 3 times a week with a cylinder mower at 20mm. Only water as required (we have had lots of rain recently so not a lot). Nothing super special, just look after it and keep the fertilising program up to it and it always stays in top shape.

Stephen Jovanovski – AKA Project TifTuf

tiftuf lawn stripestiftuf front lawn

Lawn type – TifTuf Hybrid Bermuda

My lawn care routine involves regular mowing 2 to 3 times a week and grooming every 4 weeks during the growing season. Every 3 months I fertilise with a granular fertiliser and apply a liquid fertiliser fortnightly. During the growing season, I also use a Plant Growth Regulator (PGR) to help tighten up the lawn and use a pre-emergent every 5-6 months to help stop seasonal weeds.

Every Spring I will do a lawn renovation. This consists of core aerating, dethatching, a low mow back to dirt, and a top dress with washed Sydney sand.

Matt Oreo

nice sir grangesir grange lawn backyard

Lawn Type – Sir Grange Zoysia

The key to keeping my lawn in good shape is irrigation and mowing above all else. I find the Sir Grange needs very little inputs to keep it healthy and green. I use Acelyprn GR for insurance against pests and renovate once a year. I use Oxafert as a granular fertiliser in spring and autumn so I don’t need to do a separate pre-emergent. I walk the lawn regularly and hand weed mostly, although the Sir Grange is a beast against weeds also. The occasional spray for nut grass as required and a few liquids every now and again.

Bradley Hodges

Sir Walter backyard nice sir walter lawn

Lawn TypeSir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo

I like to keep my lawn care routine quite simple as I believe the secret to my success is the prep work. I use lawn solutions Oxafert and Acelepryn GR a must on any lawn. For feeding I use liquid fertilisers and seaweed concentrate and water when she’s looking thirsty. My mowing height varies from 14mm to 32mm depending on how the leaf looks, all thanks to the ozito cyclinder mower.

Joshua James

nice Eureka KikuyuEureka Kikuyu lawn

Lawn type – Eureka Kikuyu

I have Eureka Kikuyu that I installed and laid myself in November 2019. All my care products I purchase online through Lawn Solutions. It is constantly mowed every 5 or 6 days with my Bushranger 500CM Twin Drive Cylinder Mower at a height of 25mm. It’s wonderfully lush, vibrant, and soft dark green leaves are just perfect to wake up to on a Saturday morning.

We hope that our favourite lawns have spouted some inspiration for your home! For more information lawn care advice, check out our other lawn care blogs here.

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The Root to Tip Renovation Bundle

This bundle contains everything you need to get your lawn looking and staying great during the warmer months.

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