Tips from a Turf Guru | Simon Adermann - Lawn Solutions Australia

Tips from a Turf Guru | Simon Adermann

Do you want to know the industry tips and tricks to help get the most out of your lawn? We catch up with turf guru Simon Adermann, a well-known turf industry insider from a greenkeeping background, to gain some insight into how we can better care for our lawns, plus tips on how to take your lawn to the next level.

What are the three most important aspects of caring for a lawn?

There are many aspects, but the three most important ones are – fertility, mowing, and regular watering.

1. Fertility – It is important to ensure that correct nutrition is provided to your turf. If you want to get specific with your fertiliser regime, soil tests are highly recommended and based on these results, a fertiliser program can be put in place. If you want a basic plan, I recommend fertiliser applications four times a year – September, December, March, and June. This can be done by a straight fertiliser-only application like Lawn Solutions Premium Fertiliser or with a combination product like Oxafert or Oxafert Plus. Oxafert and Oxafert Plus offer the fertiliser component as well as pre-emergent herbicide for weed prevention.

2. Mowing – It’s important during the active growing season to mow your lawn regularly. For most regions this might be twice per week and as the growth slows down you can back off to once a week and once per fortnight. If you don’t mow regularly, the lawn will tend to build up thatch, which can also lead to scalping. Ensure the mower has new and sharp blades will help you get a cleaner cut and will help avoid bruising to the leaf tip for best results.

3. Watering– Watering is an essential part of a healthy and even coloured lawn. The amount of water needed is based on your soil profile and weather conditions. Generally, a sandy profile will require more water than heavy/clay profile.

water lawn

How can you get the best cut when mowing?

Another lawn tip to help you get the best cut possible, if you have time, cut your lawn twice in different directions during the growing season. This will give a better cut, remove extra excess leaf, and help to tighten your lawn surface, which can help prevent weed germination. Sharp mower blades are essential at all times. Again, this will help with a cleaner and better cut without damage or bruising to the leaf tip.

mowing lawn

How can you keep a weed free lawn?

The healthier your lawn is and the tighter the surface is the less chance you have of getting a weed infestation. Other options are to apply pre-emergent herbicides like Oxafert and Oxafert Plus to prevent weeds from germinating. Pre-emergent herbicides are best applied at times prior to seasonal germination, usually around March and September. Or you can use selective contact herbicides to control weeds that have already germinated in your lawn.

oxafert pre emergent

If you are unsure of which weed you have growing in your lawn or are unsure of how to remove it, check out our Ultimate Weed Guide here for more information.

What 2 top lawncare products you would recommend for someone who is new to caring for a lawn?

If you are new to lawn care and want to improve your lawn and want a simple option – I would use Oxafert Plus in September, December, March & June. This covers fertiliser, pre-emergent herbicide, and insecticide prevention, all in one simple granular application. Then the only other product to use is a wetting agent like Lawn Soaker during the long hot summer months – applied monthly.

oxafert plus lawn soaker

What are the pros and cons of using a cylinder mower?

The pros of using a cylinder mower are that they can turn an average lawn into a good lawn. They can obtain a cleaner cut, while also having the advantage of a roller attached to help create patterns and stripes.

The cons are that you need a yard that suits a cylinder mower. Areas with too many corner and small areas to turn around can be difficult to use a cylinder. Another con to using a cylinder is knowing how to keep the bed knife sharp and adjusting the cutting cylinder and ensuring the cylinder mower goes in for an annual service and sharpen.

cylinder mowers

Knowledge is power – understanding how to adjust the cutting cylinder and sharpen bed knife before you start using it. Also walk the yard first to ensure there are no stones, rocks and things that will damage the cutting cylinder and bed knife.

How can someone take their lawn to the next level?

In spring, I suggest scarifying your lawn. Then remove all the build-up of dead thatch, fertilise and allow to grow back. This will give new leaf and you can reset your cutting height. Again, perfect timing to allow even water movement into the soil profile, less suspectable to disease and with regular mowing and fertiliser your lawn will improve massively.

How should I maintain my home lawn?

Firstly, regular fertiliser applications and mowing are your number one priority. Then, manage timing to apply curative treatments for weed and insect seasons. I like the simple and effective approach. There is a saying, don’t kill your lawn with kindness…

For more lawn care tips and advice, make sure you check out our other lawn care blogs here.

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