Ultimate Guide to a Successful Lawn Renovation - Lawn Solutions Australia

Ultimate Guide to a Successful Lawn Renovation

If you are planning to renovate your lawn this spring and want to ensure you can get the best results possible, you’ve come to the right place! In this blog we will share some of our top tips on how to get the most out of your lawn renovation.

Should I Remove Lawn Weeds Before or After Renovating My Lawn?

For best results, we recommend removing weeds before commencing your scalp/dethatch. If only a few weeds are present, the best and easiest way to remove them is to pull them out by hand. Alternatively, you can look at using a targeted herbicide.

To remove common broadleaf weeds like Clover, Bindii, and Oxalis, we recommend using a broadleaf herbicide like All Purpose Weed Control.

all purpose weed control

When Should I Renovate My Lawn?

Although it is tempting to start renovating your lawn after the first warm day in spring, it is best to wait until temperatures are consistently warmer. But what does this mean? Well, you need to wait till your lawn is consistently growing. This is once you have noticed that the grass needs to be mown regularly. By doing this, you are ensuring that the grass will be able to repair itself quicker and, therefore, get your renovation results sooner.

Before commencing your renovation, we recommend looking at your region’s extended forecast. See if any potential cold snaps could impact your lawn during its recovery period.

lawn renovation

How Do I Dethatch and Scalp My Lawn?

When dethatching and scalping your lawn, it is important to know what type of lawn you have to avoid damaging your turf.

Kikuyu and Couch lawns can be scalped and dethatched more aggressively than other turf types as they have a strong underground rhizome from which they can repair. With Zoysia grasses, we recommend dethatching and scarifying lightly as zoysia is a slow grower. With Buffalo grasses, as they mainly grow by their above-ground runner system, it is best only lightly to dethatch and scarify. You will need to ensure that there are still the above ground runners in tack for the grass to repair from.

scalping lawn

How Do I Top Dress My Lawn?

When top-dressing your lawn, we recommend ensuring the top of the leaf blade is still popping through. It is important not to go too heavy and completely smother the grass, as it can deprive the lawn of sunlight and oxygen.

When choosing your top-dressing material, it is important to consider your goals. Are you top-dressing to improve the levels of the lawn and correct any depressions? Or do you want to improve the soil profile? If you want to perfect your lawn’s levels, we recommend using a washed or screened river sand. If you are wanting to improve the soil profile, a sandy loam with 80% sand and 20% loam is ideal.

lawn renovation

What Products Should I Use When Renovating Your Lawn?

With all lawn renovations, it is recommended to apply fertiliser to help boost the turf’s growth while the lawn is being repaired. We recommend using a granular fertiliser, something like our Lawn Solutions Premium Fertiliser is ideal.

This time of year is also ideal to get your prevention products down now. To help prevent the growth and spread of seasonal grassy weeds like Summer Grass, Crab Grass, and Crowsfoot, we recommend applying Oxafert or Oxafert Plus. Both of these products will help stop the germination of weed seedlings before they become a problem in your lawn.

oxafert pre emergent

Now is also ideal for getting your application of an Acelepryn powered insecticide like Grub Guard Ultimate. Grub Guard Ultimate, powered by Acelepryn delivers excellent preventative control against a large range of damage causing pests, including African Black Beetle, Armyworm and Argentine Stem Weevil.

prevent grub

Following your renovation, ensure you are irrigating the lawn regularly while it is vulnerable, especially if you do happen to encounter a few hot days following your renovation.

For more lawn care tips and advice, make sure you check out our other lawn care blogs here.

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Buy lawn care products

Lawn Solutions Iron Guard Plus

Turfgrass Enhancing Bio-Stimulant

ProForce Duke 100WG Herbicide

ProForce Duke to control weeds including Onion Weed

Manta Ray Surfactant

Multi-purpose surfactant solution which enhances the performance of herbicides, insecticides, fungicides and plant growth regulators