Identifying and dealing with lawn pests - Lawn Solutions Australia

Identifying Lawn Pests

Need help identifying lawns pests?  There are many lawn pests that like to attack your lawn and can potentially cause significant harm.

Being aware of what lawn pests are out there in the insect world will keep you one step ahead of the game and better equipped to deal with any uninvited guests.


ant damage

Ant nests can disturb the surface on your lawn with raised sections and can damage roots, plus may inhibit runners and good growth. They can also give you an itchy bite if you sit on them or walk across your lawn bare foot.

Wire worms

wire worms

The wire worm is the larvae stage of the click-beetle and causes damage to underground roots and stems. They will also eat seed embryos preventing germination. Dead leaves are evidence of the damage they cause. To control wire worms an application of a suitable insecticide is required. In the case of these root eating pests, as they dwell in the soil, the insecticide needs to be watered through the lawn and thatch layer to make contact with them. This will require a higher concentration of insecticide and a heavier application of water to get it to the target area.

Two spotted mites

two spotted mite

Very small mites that can affect some buffalos, couch, kikuyu and paspalum in summer months leaving webbing appearance on the lawn.

Couch grass mites

couch grass mite

Miniscule mite that attacks couch in some areas. To control, spray with suitable pesticide or miticide.

Mole crickets

mole cricket

These common, but rarely seen little insects tunnel through the soil eating the roots of your lawn, which can be a bit of a pain. Buffalo grasses are not so much of a problem as its dense growth habit protects it from major damage.

Mole crickets nest deep in the soil profile making them difficult to kill as an insecticide needs to be washed down to make contact with them. An insecticide bait is sometimes used for control, which is ingested while they are feeding near the surface. They are most often found in sandy soils.

If you need more advice on identifying and dealing with lawn pests go to your local lawn or garden centre and find out what is the best product for your area, lawn variety and specific pest problem.

Check out the Lawn Solutions Australia lawn care page for more helpful tips and advice here.

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