5 edging materials for your lawn - Lawn Solutions Australia

5 edging materials for your lawn

While lawn edging is a functional addition to prevent your grass from infiltrating your gardens, its important it looks great as well.

All your hard work has your lawn looking in top shape. But it never quite looks as good as the guy down the street who has his lawn immaculately finished off with a great looking kerbed edge. The stark contrast between the grass and the kerb, adding definition like a frame to their lawn. Your lawn in comparison, while it looks great, ends and just sort of awkwardly blends into the garden without defining where one ends and the other begins. But it doesn’t have to be like this! There are many different material options that can give your lawn ‘the edge’ too!

While lawn edging has a functional role – both to prevent your lawn entering your garden beds and to provide a surface to trim against for easier care, its important it looks great as well. Whether you want straight or curved edging will also determine which materials are best suited for the job.

Here’s some options…


Bricks are a common option, more often than not because there are some left over after the house was built, but they are a nice solid choice that will create a nice wide edge for separating your lawn from your garden beds.

lawn edging


Prefabricated concreted edging is available, but these can be limiting if you need a bit of flexibility with an irregular shaped lawn. There are landscapers and specialised concrete kerb installers who can mix concrete and lay the mould in the shape or angle required using a concrete kerbing machine. There are also a number of different finishing options and colours to suit your garden available.

lawn edging


If the primary function of your edge it to stop your lawn from invading your garden beds, you will need to look at some sort of edging that sits deep in the soil to stop the roots of your lawn. Plastic can seem a good cost effective option, but it can look a little average and often works it’s way out of the ground as it goes out of shape due to sun driven expansion. It is most likely to work the best as a divider where the plastic edge is almost entirely buried and so less susceptible to deformation.

lawn edging

Metal (aluminium and galvanised steel)

Metal products are also a great lawn barrier option that offer the necessary depth while also providing a more permanent and visually appealing look to your garden. The latest flexible steel edging is the strongest and most versatile option, it handles gentle sloping areas well and is now much more DIY friendly than it was in the past.

steelcurve edge  

Timber sleepers (pine and hardwood)

Pine or hardwood sleepers can create a nice natural effect for your edging and will work really well for straight lines. Just make sure the product you are using is designed to last and won’t quickly rot or deteriorate.

lawn edging


At the end of the day the decision will come down to practicality, preference and price. Have a chat to your local landscape yard or garden supplies shop, they will be more than happy to provide advice to help you get the result you are after.

Special thanks to Dan from Straightcurve for his collaboration and expertise on lawn edging.


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