Lawn Solutions Australia on Better Homes and Gardens - Lawn Solutions Australia

Lawn Solutions Australia on Better Homes and Gardens

Did you see us on Better Homes and Gardens? Jason Hodges presented a special feature story on turf farming and Lawn Solutions Australia.

The segment included:

  • A brief history of turf farming
  • How turf is cut and delivered 
  • Sir Walter DNA and Lawn Solutions Australia history
  • AusGAP Certification and the importance of choosing quality turf 
  • LSA’s Turfgrass research

Jason had a great time sharing his passion for lawn, Sir Walter in particular. Gavin Rogers from Lawn Solutions Australia, showed Jason our turf breeding and research facility, highlighting the emergence of new turf products for the Australian climate, including Sir Grange and TifTuf.

“The turf industry has gone from selling grass to selling lawns”, said Rogers. It sure has, and we love hearing from the many people across Australia who love their lawns just as much as Jason and everyone here at Lawn Solutions Australia.

Jason explains the difference between the turf varieties available and that his favourite is Sir Walter because it’s the best all-rounder. The DNA Certification of Sir Walter was highlighted and the importance of receiving what you pay for with the amount of substitution that occurs within the market. The DNA certification program ensures consumers are getting the real thing.

Gavin discussed with Jason the benefits of new turf varieties, Sir Grange and TifTuf. Sir Grange is a very popular grass in the world market today and TifTuf is also a very exciting variety recently introduced to the Australian market.

The turf industry has come a long way over the years, Jason says how his grandfather used to go out on the weekend with a spade and cut little pieces of turf for spending money. Shortly after, was the invention of push behind machinery and the eventual progression to the big automated harvesters that are used today.

Jason asked Gavin what we could look forward to in the future of turf in Australia – “Lawn Solutions Australia’s breeding and research program is focusing on finding varieties that are lower maintenance. Everyone wants a great lawn, but nobody wants to put the hard work into it, so we’re focusing very strongly on very low fertilising and watering requirements.” says Rogers.

Gavin’s three biggest tips to have a beautiful lawn –

  • Make sure you have the right lawn for your environment and lifestyle and the rest is pretty easy.
  • Do not overwater your lawn. Lawns only really need to be watered once a month and most of the time this should be covered by rainfall.
  • Lawns, like people, enjoy being fed. Feed your lawn around Easter, Spring time long weekend and end of February after a long hot summer.

Jason and the team came out to one of our turf farms for the shoot, here’s some behind the scenes shots from the day.



Buy lawn care products

Liquid Lawn Lover Bundle - with Handy Gardening Gloves

Do you prefer to use liquid lawn care products? Well, this bundle has every liquid you need to help maintain the health of both your lawn and the soil that it relies on.

Grub Guard Ultimate 4kg - Acelepryn Powered

Lawn Solutions Grub Guard Ultimate - Powered by Acelepryn

Hicure Biostimulant

A liquid plant biostimulant based on amino acids and peptides for use in Turf and Ornamentals.