Buy Turf Online - Lawn Solutions Australia

Buy Turf Online

You can now buy turf online

Lawn Solutions Australia Buy Turf Online allows you to place an order for turf 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

With an Australia wide network, there is a Lawn Solutions Australia Accredited grower or supplier near you.

Buy Turf Online Now

  • Minimum of 30sqm per order.
  • Select your preferred delivery date by noting in the delivery instructions. This date will be confirmed pending availability.
  • Lawn Solutions Australia will make contact the following business day to confirm receipt of your order and date for delivery.
  • All warranty, invoice, certificate of authenticity and maintenance and installation information will be provided at time of confirmation.
  • Turf harvested fresh and delivered from local Lawn Solutions Australia accredited turf suppliers.

Choose from any of our 3 premium turf varieties

Sir Walter DNA Certified Soft Leaf Buffalo
TifTuf Hybrid Bermuda
Sir Grange Zoysia

Need a quote?

Get a quote from up to 3 local suppliers for turf, delivery and/or installation via email. With an Australia-wide network, there is an LSA accredited grower or supplier near you.

Get Turf Quotes


Buy lawn care products

Lawn Solutions Iron Guard Plus

Turfgrass Enhancing Bio-Stimulant

Lawn Rescue

Feed and drought-proof your lawn with just one revitalising hit.

Wobble-Tee Sprinkler

Water your lawn efficiently with the best sprinkler you’ll ever own.