The Garden Gurus | Developing New Turfgrass Varieties - Lawn Solutions Australia

The Garden Gurus | Developing New Turfgrass Varieties

The Garden Gurus Presenter Simon Holloway looks at the research and development work behind bringing a new turfgrass to market. Plus, he touches on a few different products you can use to help ensure your new lawn looks and performs its best after install.

Learn more about an exciting new turf variety, a direct result of this research and development program, coming in 2026 here

stampede hybrid buffalo logo

Buy lawn care products

Estate Broadleaf Herbicide 250ml Concentrate

Estate Herbicide is a broadleaf herbicide used to safely and selectively treat certain broadleaf weeds in turf.

The Lawn Fanatics Bundle

This bundle is for lawn fanatics, it contains a great combination of products for those who are looking to take their lawns to the next level.

Mancozeb DG Contact Fungicide

A dry flowable preventative fungicide formulation for the control of certain fungal diseases of fruit, vegetables, ornamentals and turf