A Pro's Guide to Turf Pigmentation | ColourGuard Plus - Lawn Solutions Australia

A Pro’s Guide to Turf Pigmentation | ColourGuard Plus

Turf pigments like ColourGuard Plus are a great way to instantly restore the colour of your lawn during the cooler months. Once applied to the leaf, the pigment is absorbed into the plant providing a significant improvement to colour when it’s usually lost due to dormancy. In this blog, we look at how to use turf pigments, particularly ColourGuard Plus.


ColourGuard Plus is available in both a ready-to-use hose-on and in a range of concentrates for mixing in a knapsack sprayer for application. It can stain hard surfaces if there is overspray, and the product is not washed off immediately. So, it’s important to consider your area to ensure you use the best-suited application method for your needs.

Which turf pigment application method should I use, hose-on or apply from concentrate?

ColourGuard Plus – Hose-On

The most convenient way to apply ColourGuard Plus is by using the ready-to-use hose-on product.

All you need to do for application is attach the bottle to the hose, release the clip and spray evenly across the lawn. While this is the quickest and easiest way to apply the pigment, there is a limited amount of control and accuracy.

This can be an issue, if you have a narrow or irregular space or a lot of hard surfaces, in this situation it would be best to use a more direct application method using a concentrate mixed in a knapsack. But if you have a large or wide lawn area, with limited hard surfaces, the hose-on will be ideal.

If you do still, unfortunately, manage to get the product on a concrete path or driveway, you can still simply unclip the hose from the bottle immediately and wash it off back onto the lawn before it has the chance to cause any staining.

ColourGuard Plus Concentrate

There are a few reasons why you might consider the concentrate application with a knapsack sprayer as a preferred application method when applying turf pigment.

colourguard plus 100ml colourguard

Firstly, as mentioned previously if you have a narrow area or one with a lot of concrete paths and other hard surfaces directly next to the lawn, you might want to use the knapsack wand which will allow you to be a lot more direct and targeted with your application.

green lawn

Secondly, the concentrate provides you with the capacity to apply the ColourGuard Plus at a more specific concentration to your liking. If you are wanting to go quite a dark green, you can mix up the product at a higher dose. You just need to remember that the higher the concentration, the less coverage you will be able to achieve.

applying colourguard

Lastly, there is the potential to apply the product as evenly as possible through a bit more control. A knapsack with a fan nozzle will allow you to direct the spray exactly where you would like, which can be important for straight lines and limiting overlap.

What happens if I don’t wash off overspray immediately?

ColourGuard Plus can stain very quickly if left to absorb or dry. If you are too slow to wash it off or do not notice the overspray until it is too late, there are some things you can try to remove the stain.


  • For common hard surfaces like concrete, we recommend using a two to one mixture of white vinegar and bi-carb soda and scrubbing with a scrubbing brush. Leave this for 5 minutes or so and then remove with a clean cloth or hose it off.
  • For tiles specifically, but also sealed concrete, one of the most effective methods is to scrub with lemon juice concentrate, using the same method.
  • If the stain is on a porous hard surface or is being particularly stubborn you can use a dedicated concrete cleaner – If doing so, be sure to follow label rates and instructions to avoid damaging grout or concrete when using these products.

Due to the porous nature of some hard surfaces, some stains may not be removable, but should fade with time.

Unsealed Concrete or porous surfaces – Concrete Cleaner
Tiles or Sealed Concrete – Lemon juice, Vinegar & Bi-Carb Soda

ColourGuard PLUS is available in 4 convenient sizes

With the right application method for your area, you will get a fantastic result out of turf pigments.

ColourGuard Plus has an industry-leading natural colour and is the go-to turf pigment used right across Australia by turf farmers and residential homeowners.

For more lawn care tips and advice, make sure you check out our other lawn care blogs here.

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