7 Lawn Care Hacks - Lawn Solutions Australia

7 Lawn Care Hacks

Are you looking for better results with minimal effort when it comes to caring for your lawn? This blog looks at a few different lawn care hacks to help get the best out of your lawn.

Hack 1 – Get Green Grass Fast with ColourGuard Plus

Have you ever heard of lawn pigments? Sounds a bit crazy, right? They are the same idea as hair dye but for lawns! You can spray them onto your lawn, giving it a quick and easy green-up. As the lawn grows, the pigment will grow out and will be removed when mown. So, if you apply in winter your results will last longer as the grass will be slower in growth.

Lawn pigments like ColourGuard Plus are great to use if you are preparing for a party, house inspection, or if you are just wanting to help improve your curb appeal!

Hack 2 – Prevent Weeds with a Pre-Emergent

Pre-emergent herbicides like Oxafert and Oxafert Plus can help stop seasonal weeds, like Winter Grass, Summer Grass, Creeping Oxalis and Crabgrass before they even start to appear in your lawn! These styles of herbicides are especially great for use if you have previously or are facing these seasonal weeds types growing in your lawn.

oxafert pre emergent oxafert plus

Oxafert works by targeting weed seedlings during germination before they start to appear in your lawn. So, getting your applications down just before they are set to germinate will provide you with effective control.

For targeting winter weeds like Winter Grass, it is best to apply your application around mid- to late Autumn or when the temperatures are set to start to cool in your region. To prevent summer weeds like Summer Grass, apply just before temperatures warm back up in your region. Usually around mid-spring for most regions.


Hack 3 – Prevent Armyworm and Lawn Grub with Grub Guard Ultimate

Has your lawn, or a friend or neighbour’s lawn ever been attacked by lawn grub or armyworm? If so, then you will know that they can cause lots of damage to the lawn almost overnight. So why not get the upper hand and prevent before they become an issue.


To help prevent damage causing Lawn Grub and Armyworm, we recommend using Acelepryn powered Grub Guard Ultimate. With just one application, you can protect your lawn for up to 6 months, so 2 applications a year will provide your lawn with seasonal protection!


Hack 4 – Use Your Whipper Snipper at Full Speed For Best Results

When using a whipper snipper to edge your lawn, it will work its best when at full speed. So, keeping your trimmer line away from the edge and working your way in, is key to maintaining speed. Avoid starting the line trimmer already in the grass you’re cutting for the quickest, cleanest cuts. It’s the tip of the line that is cutting, so keeping most of the line clear will result in a cleaner cut.

The best edges are ones that are kept on top of and not allowed to get out of control. So, the more you do it, the more likely your edges will stay uniform, the easier they will be to tidy up, and the better you will get at it.

edging lawn

Hack 5 – Weeding Your Lawn with a Weed Wand

Weed wands are handy to use when treating weeds, especially if you are only wanting to treat a small amount. Weed wands are a stick that disperses herbicides to a small, selected area of your lawn. These sticks are usually around 1 metre tall, eliminating the need for you to bend or kneel to treat weeds.

Weed wands are used to precisely apply herbicides. They are mostly used in situations where there are no herbicides that will selectively treat the weed or grass without harming your lawn, like invasive grasses and hard-to-remove weeds like onion weed. Non-selective herbicides like roundup are poured into the wand and is dispersed by an applicator on the end of the wand.

weed wand

Hack 6 – Use the Long Weekends as a Guide on When to Apply Granular Fertilisers to Your Lawn

Generally, your lawn will only need 2-3 applications of a granular fertiliser per year to provide your lawn with the nutrients it needs to thrive. If you are unsure of when to apply a fertiliser to your lawn, we recommend using the long weekends as a guide. The October long weekend, Australia Day, and the Easter long weekend.

fertiliser lawn

For granular fertilisers, we recommend using our Lawn Solutions Premium Fertiliser.

lawn fertiliser

Hack 7 – Use Plant Growth Regulators to Reduce Mowing

Plant growth regulators, otherwise known as PGR’s, are great products to use throughout the warmer months to help reduce the number of times you need to mow. They work by slowing down the vertical growth of the grass. The lateral and below-ground growth of rhizomes, stolons and roots are stimulated.

PGRs like Primo Maxx are best to only be used throughout the warmer months when your lawn is actively growing. They shouldn’t be used in late Autumn, Winter and early Spring.

primo maxx

For more lawn care tips and advice, make sure you check out our other lawn care blogs here.

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Buy lawn care products

Mancozeb DG Contact Fungicide

A dry flowable preventative fungicide formulation for the control of certain fungal diseases of fruit, vegetables, ornamentals and turf

Reel Solutions 3-Tine Aerator

3 Tine Aerator is ideal for aerating small areas of compaction

ColourGuard Plus 100ml Concentrate

ColourGuard PLUS is a liquid fertiliser as well as a natural grass pigment that instantly restores the colour of your lawn.

Apply this 100% natural grass colourant to keep your lawn looking fantastic year-round.