Joe's Lawn Tips - Lawn Solutions Australia

Joe’s Lawn Tips

Do you want to know our favourite tips on how to help keep your lawn in tip-top shape? In this blog, our lawn expert Joe Rogers shares his knowledge on how you can better care for your lawn, plus tips on how you can take your turf to the next level.

What Are Your Two Best Tips When Caring for a Lawn?

The number one thing I always tell people when it comes to lawn care is the importance of regular mowing. If you want a neat, dense, manicured lawn you have to mow regularly. The more you mow, the better your lawn will be! Regular mowing encourages lateral growth making your lawn thicker, denser and better able to withstand wear and weeds. It also looks neater and better to walk and play on.

mowing lawn

The second tip is to utilise new technology. Embrace new products that are on the market, in particular preventatives like Oxafert and Acelepryn, like Grub Guard Ultimate. These new technologies solve so many problems for lawn owners and they will end up saving you so much time and money to help your lawn look better. I always encourage people to embrace these new, safe, user-friendly products as they will give you and your lawn all kinds of wonderful benefits.

prevent grub

What is Your go-to Lawn Care Product?

My go to lawn care product is Oxafert. Oxafert stops the most difficult to control weeds like Winter Grass, Summer Grass and Creeping Oxalis from germinating and gives you a little lift with the fertiliser. It’s so easy to use for a pre-emergent as it is available in a granule rather than a spray.


What is Your Best Piece of Advice for Someone Who is New to Caring for Lawns?

Keep it simple. With so much lawn-related info on the web, it is important for people to keep it as simple as possible. Mow regularly, apply preventatives as part of a simple program, and fertilise into and out of the growing season. It is so easy to get lost in the hundreds of products that are on the market when, in reality, you only need 2-3 products and a bit of consistency with application.

backyard lawn kids

How Can Someone Take Their Good Lawn to a Great Lawn?

I’ve said it earlier but a lot of this is in regular mowing. By mowing a little more regularly, your lawn will change an awful lot for the better. If you really want to take your lawn to the next level though, I would strongly encourage you take a look at Plant Growth Regulator’s (PGR) like Primo Maxx. Primo Maxx can really improve the look and feel of your lawn, particularly those that are looking for a short-cut manicured lawn.

How Often Should You Apply Fertilisers to Your Lawn?

The frequency of applying fertilisers will be dependent on the variety. But as a minimum, I would look at granular fertiliser applications, something like our Lawn Solutions Premium Fertiliser at the start and end of your lawn’s growing season. For most people this will be October long weekend and Anzac Day. If your lawn needs it, you could also look at another application around Christmas time. These are nice and easy dates to remember.

Fertilising lawn

What is the Best Way to Remove Weeds from a Lawn?

Always by hand where possible. Only use herbicides if the problem gets totally out of control. For more information on what herbicides to use for treating the weeds in your lawn, check out our Ultimate Weed Guide here for more information.

Broadleaf weeds

For more lawn care tips and advice, make sure you check out our other lawn care blogs here.

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Buy lawn care products

Primo Maxx 1L

Turn your lawn into stadium quality turf with the new 1L pack of PRIMO MAXX growth regulator

2L Lawn Soaker

Treatment for water repellent soil. A premium lawn hydration solution.

Grub Guard Ultimate 4kg - Acelepryn Powered

Lawn Solutions Grub Guard Ultimate - Powered by Acelepryn